Monday, February 28, 2011

don`t sekali berubah

 biarkan waktu teruslah berputar
ku cintai kamu penuh rasa sabar
meski sakit hati ini kau tinggalkan
ku ikhlas tuk bertaha
cintaku padamu begitu besar
namun kau tak pernah bisa merasakan
malah kini kau ucapkan selamat tinggal
membuat keresahan
meninggalkanku tanpa perasaan
hingga ku jatuhkan air mata
kekecewaanku sungguh tak berarah
biarkan ku harus bertahan
jangan pernah kau coba untuk berubah
tak relakan yang indah hilanglah sudah
jangan pernah kau coba untuk berubah
tak relakan yang indah hilanglah sudah

Saturday, February 26, 2011

i just One tO u knOw i misshh crazy crazy pig at u taO !!

sOb sOb .. ahad senin selase .. opss .. selase .. jeng jeng .. auu .. ta sbbr btOl la .. bnyk btOl pkare yg d pk kn .. arap arap menjadik la .. heee :: ) selase tngh ari d jangke kan pesawat en kekasih shyr akn berlepas .. d sngka kan akan mendarat pdew tngah mlm .. fuhh .. arap arap jngn la tngh mlm sngt kn .. sbb shyr yg akn menjempOt en kekasih shyr .. uulala .. fest pekare yg shyr akn bisik  kan nnti .. ''piss piss  hey sygs .. mishh gilew la'' haha  :: ) 'u nmpak ta i da kurus skunk'' haha .. 'sbb mishh kn u , bgai aty kene cucuk dngn pisau tjam mcm na mati d wt nyerr mishh kat u'' eeU yekk yekk .. haha :: ) dan akn membwe en kekasih shyr mnaeki cupper mini bluu bery shyr .. auu .. time tuh jln tOgeder geder brsamew samew .. heyy apew pndang pndang haa .. hee :: ) nmpak dri bklang sweet la plk kn .. (mcm la kau adew mate kat blkang tuhh ika) sOb sOb .. p yg ta manis nyer knpew en kekaksih shyr back tO hOme time ari berkerje .. aUU shitt !! time tuhh ta dpt la na manjew manjew (manjew la sngt kau tuhh ika) dpt bersame sabtuh ng ahad jep OOh menci menci taO ta .. ari selebey nyer .. ta dpt la na cm dulu dulu kalew nyer .. grrr .. (sbar ika sbar) .. yg pasty nyerr plan prcuti nnti msty terhebad .. dup dap dup dap .. 
 heyy sygs kau cuti trlalu sngkat sngt la tok smgu nieh .. hurrmm tpi shyr skew + serOnok = bhgia blew kau blik nieh sygs .. mlang nyerr shyr brharap u blik bln 4 .. sbb ituhh bermknew tOk shyr taO .. any any and anyway ta pehh .. ta ksah la u blik bln brpew kn .. jngn kau ta blik suda la sygs .. nOw waiting 4 u niehh sygs. pis pis bOley shyr jerit kuat kut ta ? 
i just One tO u knOw i misshh crazy crazy pig at u taO !!
i plus u = love nurainikamuzaffar 

Friday, February 25, 2011

bottle it up

There'll be girls across the nation that will eat this up.
Babe I know that it's your soul but could you bottle it up.
Get down to the heart of it.
No, it's my heart.
You're shit out of your luck.
Don't make me tell you again my 
love, love, love, love.
Love, love, love, love.
I am aiming to be somebody this somebody trusts with her delicate soul.
I don't claim to know much,
Except soon as you start to make room for the parts that aren't you,
It gets harder to bloom in a garden of 
love, love, love, love.
Love, love, love, love.

Only thing I ever could need,
Only one good thing worth trying to be and it's
love, love, love, love.
I do it for
love, love, love, love.
We can understand the sentiment you're saying to us.
Oh, but sensible sells so could you kindly shut up,
And get started at keeping your part of the bargain.
Aw please little darlin',
You're killing me sweetly with
love, love, love, love.
Love, love, love, love.

dun ever lie n make me hurt..i hate it..

whether you will know what i feel rite now . .
sumpah ! macam hati kena cucuk dengan pisau tajam . pedih na mati . .
rindu kat U . .
shyr sangat suke gambar ni ;)
u always be my forever . . i hOpe pe we can make it real..together we grOw wif the flOw . .wif full Of happiness yeah..i always want tO be with u . tO be by ur side . .wake up in the mOOrning wif a smile everday;) yekk.. heee :: ) Ouchhh..i love u lah sygs . .ann . .relationship yg penuh dgn kOntroversi yg panassss. .mcm brad pitt dgn angelina jOlie dah..haha sngt la plk kan . .cili mulut mereke2 tuh taw lah..heeee :: )ahahah . .1st tyme niyh in relationship mcm ni..ahaaa . .hOt sgt pun xboleyh jugak annn..cmni jadinye . .whatever lah kn..yg penting,,shyr pnyer suke la kn ..and dun ever lie n make me hurt . .i hate it..
i like tO see ur face everyday and tO meet u every secOnds Of my day n my life!! smilling just fOr u sygs . .


Sunday, February 20, 2011

"I'm SOty" and "I was wrOng".

"I'm Sorry" and "I was wrong"...This is essential in healing relatiOnships fOr COUPLEs .
The reasOn why these phrases are hardest tO say is because we dO nOt want tO admit that we have caused anything that brOke Or hurt a relatiOnship. :: ) MOst Of the time we say that it was the Other persOn's fault. And we wait fOr him or her tO be the first tO apOlOgize. HOwever, the apOlOgy never cOmes because the Other persOn is alsO waiting fOr it.And we knOw that relationships within the family and outside Of it sOmetimes end because Of the lack Of this apOlOgy. We knOw many break-ups Occur simply because One Or the Other never tOOk the step tO apOlogize.Why is it sO hard tO admit that we were wrOng and tO apOlOgize? Its simple... that's human nature, a weakness which puts us abOve the Others. What we need is tO OvercOme this devOtion tO self. This requires persOnal grOwth, empathy and caring fOr the Other. These are what we need in healing relatiOnships fOr COUPLEs . And a simple apOlOgy will restOre that brOken relatiOnship.Taking a step like this almOst always leads tO healing a brOken relatiOnship. And mOst Of the time, the cOnversatiOn results in bOth parties apOlOgizing and this usually results tO a strOnger relatiOnship.Any kind Of healing in relatiOnship fOr COUPLEs ObviOusly requires sOme fOrgiveness. This shOuld cOme frOm the heart befOre it is said in wOrds.One must be careful hOwever, in expressing fOrgiveness. TO say "I fOrgive yOu" in the middle Of a fight might be misinterpreted as "YOu were wrOng," and wOuld Only make things wOrse. We should say "I fOrgive yOu" only when the Other persOn asks fOr fOrgiveness. Then these becOme the perfect wOrds. FOrgiveness has the pOwer tO heal nOt Only the relatiOnship but alsO the bOdies and the minds Of bOth persOns.Remember, in healing relationships fOr COUPLEs , we already have the wOrds. We just need tO say them.kau memang degil laa ika..degil degil.. :: (

Friday, February 18, 2011

untOk semua pekara :: )

isnin selasa rabu khamis jmaat jadual yg samew tmpat yg samew acc dept :: )

berusaha menjadik lebey tngi .. heee :: ) sedang mengurus kan & mengecot kan lemak lemak :: )

selalu memasty kan rambot selalu sihat sihat :: )

& selalu memasty kan sesuatu yg indah bersame :: )

thanx sygS :: ) untok semua pekare :: D

Friday, February 11, 2011

resepi :: )

resepi turun temurun :: ))

3 mngkok ksih sygS .. 2 sudu ksetian .. 1 sudu krnduaan .. 5 sudu kpcayaan cmburu secukOp gase .. jangn kurang MANJER biar LEBEY ..

Thursday, February 3, 2011